
Get involved

East Coast FM relies entirely on it’s team of volunteers. We are a friendly, mixed bunch, of all ages and abilities and we are always looking for new members. Presenting, technical, fundraising, helping with the paperwork… everyone’s welcome.

HH_ETAL4You don’t have to be a Member to support the Station, but if you do join then you get a say in how it’s run.

And being a Member doesn’t have to mean that you will be heard on the radio! An organisation like ours needs lots more than just Presenters. We need help with our fundraising efforts, finding and supporting advertisers, keeping the accounts in order, manning the telephones, even just making the tea! And for those with the desire to get more involved, shows need producers to help with keeping them running smoothly;  the equipment we have in our studios and for outside broadcasts needs to be maintained; and occasionally we find ourselves needing unusual skills for particular jobs (like a rigger to climb up the transmission mast!).

Of course, if you don’t have the skills you’d like to have, we can help you get them. We have an ever increasing list of former members who have gone on from volunteering at East Coast FM to study media at university, or to work for commercial stations and the BBC.

So, whatever you can bring to the station, if you’d like to gain experience, no matter what your age, regardless of any additional need you might have, you will be made very welcome at East Coast FM.
20140322-152959.jpgBut most importantly, it’s fun and you will be giving something back to the community in East Lothian.

Email, call 01620 826 444 or drop in to 2b Station Yards, Haddington and we’ll happily answer any questions you might have.

We’re looking forward to meeting you!