FM here we come .THANK YOU for all the letters of Good Wishes and Support
Having now been awarded a full 5 year Community Radio License to cover Haddington and Districts of East Lothian, it just remains for the regulator to issue an FM Frequency – we now know what it is, but until clearance cannot advertise it, sorry.
The cards and letters, emails and txt messges from all over the County -and indeed the world -congratulating our fine ‘team’, I can assure you, were very much appreciated. Letters from Celebrities, businesses, politicians and right minded indivaduals were simply overwhelming. It shows our three years work on the internet and within the Community did not go unnoticed; again, grateful thanks.
It doesn’t stop here though, check ECFM events to see where we can be found ‘out in the Communuity’ for the remainder of 2012 and a whole host of events in 2013. And also watch out for our Launch date early in the New Year.
THANK YOU for all the Letters of Good Wishes and Support. We have received numerous letters of support and good wishes over the last few months of Support and good wishes and good luck for our future THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to think of us here at East Coast FM. Patience is the order of the day and we will continue to support all our towns and villages, businesses, Charities and Organisations, at all the events we are invited to. We are committed to serving our Community. Thank You ALL.